
Ashya King: Proton Boy

17/09/2014 00:00
In August Ashya King was undergoing treatment in Southhampton General Hospital for a brain tumour when his parents removed him from the hospital without the consent of doctors after a dispute between the father of Ashya and a consultant when Ashya's father presented some internet research to the doctor who told him "the internet could not be trusted". The parents took Ashya to receive treatment...

Dementia: Can you handle the truth?

17/03/2014 12:29
Dementia has been recognised in 60% of individuals over the age of 60 now. It is a neurodegenerative disease caused by gradual brain cell death. 25% are a result of a stroke, either ischaemic of haemorragic, although most of the time it is due to ischaemic. 75% of the time it is due to Alzheimer`s disease. Plaques of protein (amyloid and tau) known as lewy bodies are formed in the brain...

e-Cigarettes stubbed out for under 18`s

27/01/2014 12:07
Well, what do you know, since last week when we were looking at e-Cigarettes theyve come up in the news. I have just read on BBC news that it is now illegal to buy e-Cigarettes under the age of 18 now, in my opinion a very sensible idea. The major concern in my previous article was that it would introduce non-smoking youths to nicotine and possibly onto cigarettes. I am glad the government has...

E-cigarettes: No Smoke Without Fire

24/01/2014 09:15
Currently 700,000 europeans die each year as a result of smoking related illnesses so you can imagine how amazing a new product would be that produced "no harmful substances". The E-cigarette is a device which uses a heating element to vapourise a solution containing nicotine and other flavourings, claiming to cut out the damage to lungs caused by the tar and other chemicals found in cigarettes....

Severed hand grafted onto ankle

17/12/2013 12:24
  Xiao Wei lost his right hand in an accident at work and couldn’t have it reattached immediately due to crushing injuries to his arm which needed to be treated before reattachment. The Chinese are becoming ever better at microsurgery as you can see from one of my articles a while ago on another chinese gentleman who had a nose grafted into his forehead after antibiotic complications meant...

PIP`s Jean-Claude Mas gets jail sentance

10/12/2013 13:29
The head of the company that produced the defective PIP breast implants has been sentenced to 4 years for fraud. All but one of the companys senior staff claimed they did not know it was an issue. The implants themselves were surgically introduced to 300,000 women world wide with 7,500 complaining ot rupture and 3,000 experiencing irritation in France alone (of which accounts for a third of...

Man Engineers Own Aorta

21/11/2013 12:19
Mr. Tal Golesworthy, an engineer for british coal, has Marfan syndrome. Marfan syndrome is a genetic defect in the FBN1 gene which incodes the production of fibrillin-1, the structural protein incorporated into elastic fibres in the extra-cellular matrix allowing for an "elastic wireframe" if you will. Essentially certain organs can lose their ability to return to their original shape, the most...

First UK trial of heart failure operation

21/10/2013 12:26
The first trial of a new procedure used to create a more effective cardio output in patients who have undergone a heart attack/condition involving the degradation of the heart wall, occured today at about 2 am. Sevket Gocer was the first recipient of the pioneering treatment in which a form of "cardiac sewing" was used to remodel the wall of his heart. As seen in the picture below, the...

Marilyn Munroe`s beauty accredited to plastic surgery

09/10/2013 11:40
We already knew Marilyn underwent plastic surgery, she had breast implants of which the x-rays were sold at auction for $45,000 3 years ago. However another set of 6 X-rays and a medical file have surfaced recently. Michael Gurdin, a hollywood surgeon operated on Marilyn (under the alias "Miss Joan Newman") recording her procedures from the late 1950`s after she complained of a "chin deformity"....

sight restored to "40%" after corneal surgery using tooth

01/10/2013 12:24
Ian Tibbetts underwent osteo-ondoonto-keratoprosthesis surgery which involved implanting part of one of his teeth into his eye in order to create an artificial lens usin the cylinder produced by the tooth alongside an artificial plastic lens to create a miniature telescope, if you will, inside his eyeball after having removed the tissue on the inside of the sclera wall. A short clip from the BBC...
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Hello and welcome to my Medical/Surgical webpage. My name is Jack Clarke, I am a sixth form student who has a great interest in Medicine and aim to produce interesting articles about current medical topics, debate and even historical advancements in medicine. Feel free to have a browse.



Would you want to know if Dementia was in your future?

Yes (282)

No (261)

Total votes: 543


Is cosmetic surgery ethically right?

Yes (322)

No (266)

Total votes: 588


What should be the legal "smoking age"?

15 (235)

16 (176)

17 (167)

18 (241)

Total votes: 819