e-Cigarettes stubbed out for under 18`s

27/01/2014 12:07

Well, what do you know, since last week when we were looking at e-Cigarettes theyve come up in the news. I have just read on BBC news that it is now illegal to buy e-Cigarettes under the age of 18 now, in my opinion a very sensible idea. The major concern in my previous article was that it would introduce non-smoking youths to nicotine and possibly onto cigarettes. I am glad the government has done something about it (they obviously must be reading my blog) and I believe, whilst not exactly "getting someone off the hook" that e-Cigarettes are the way forward to easing people off of more harmful alternatives to get their nicotine fix. Further research needs to be done, it may turn out they affect the body in a terrible way long term but until then this seems like the right choice. Nice one government!